From the movie, The Wisdom of Trauma featuring Dr. Gabor Maté and Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. Several studies have shown the efficacy of the SSP in healing from trauma. The SSP calms physiological and emotional states and allows for improved communication.
We offer remotely operated one year rental for $375, including an intake with our certified SSP practitioner.
This protocol is intended for children or adults affected by trauma or disorders including autism, who experience difficulties with social engagement, auditory processing, hyper-arousal, and emotional regulation. The SSP was designed to reduce defensiveness and accelerate the therapeutic process. It can be used at home or in the clinic by anyone who could use calming of the parasympathetic system. The SSP is an enjoyable and beneficial experience.

Published in Mental Health News on October 06, 2022
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) reduces autistic boy's rigidity and chronic fight-or-flight
Mario, five, presents with autism and experienced difficulty engaging with and trusting others, and participating in daily routines and tasks. But since using the SSP (with an attention to building safe relationships and fulfilling sensory needs), Mario has been able to achieve almost all of his current OT goals for the year!
Olympic athlete sees improved performance, resiliency and focus after the SSP
TC, 40, is a Paralympian athlete but struggles to focus and return to a normal performance level when facing challenges. After the SSP, she has since become more emotionally regulated, with depressive symptoms decreasing and her capacity to participate more fully in Brainspotting increasing, which helped with performance anxiety, lack of focus and bounce-back.
Disrupting overactive survival reactions with the SSP
Evelyn, 29, was engaging in therapy to address past traumas, attachment injuries and nervous system dysregulation. After the SSP, she feels less immobilization and stays in ventral vagal more often, accessing her adaptive coping strategies more easily and having clearer thoughts.
Parents of an adolescent with PTSD
"We have tried so many other things with minimal help. We just never got to the core of the issue. The SSP got to the core".
Mother of 4.5 yr old with genetic muscular concerns
"I saw a difference in my son after the second hour of what we called "listening work", although it was no work at all!He began communicating in complete sentences and with clear ideas instead of fussing. We also noticed right away that he was managing overstimulating environments in a way we had never seen before. Even months later we continue to see the progress he has made. We cannot believe the difference we have seen, and he LOVES to do his "listening work" We are so grateful."
Daily Vomiting; Parents of a 22 year old
" Our daughter was diagnosed with a damaged Vagas nerve, she vomited every day for over a month. After five days with the Safe and Sound, she stopped vomiting. We love these guys...and the SSP.
Mother of a 14 year old with autism
"This program helped my son with sleep, self-calming (getting over things faster), sitting still during activities where he is not directly engaged, expressive language, and being increasingly "tuned in" to conversations around him. Thank you!"
53 year old with lingering struggles, following the death of her husband
"There seems to be a better sense of control about my emotions and a sense of balance and calm. It has been extremely rewarding to be more deliberate and aware of my reactions. This change has improved the communication and conflict resolution in some of my most important relationships".